Why 80% Ethyl Alcohol Hand Sanitizer is the Smart Choice for Your Business and Partners

In today's health-conscious world, choosing the right hand sanitizer for your business and partners is crucial. At The Careful, we've made the informed decision to exclusively use 80% ethyl alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Here's why this choice is beneficial for both our business and our partners.

Optimal Effectiveness Against a Wide Range of Pathogens

The 80% ethyl alcohol concentration in our hand sanitizers strikes the perfect balance between efficacy and skin safety. This concentration is highly effective against a broad spectrum of harmful microorganisms:

  • It's proven to be highly effective against all tested enveloped viruses within 30 seconds of application.

  • This concentration is also effective against many non-enveloped viruses, including common pathogens like murine norovirus and adenovirus type 5.

By choosing an 80% ethyl alcohol sanitizer, we ensure that our employees and partners are protected against the most common disease-causing microbes they might encounter in daily business operations.

Skin-Friendly Formulation

While effectiveness is paramount, we also prioritize the skin health of our employees and partners:

  • The 80% concentration provides a good balance between germ-killing power and skin tolerance.

  • Ethyl alcohol is generally less drying to the skin compared to other types of alcohol used in sanitizers, such as isopropyl alcohol.

This consideration is especially important for frequent users, as it helps prevent skin irritation and dryness that can occur with repeated use.

Rapid Action for Busy Environments

In fast-paced business settings, the speed of sanitization matters. Our 80% ethyl alcohol sanitizers work quickly:

  • They can effectively kill most harmful microorganisms within 30 seconds of application.

  • This rapid action ensures that employees and partners can maintain hand hygiene without significant disruption to their workflow.

Compliance with Health Guidelines

Our choice of 80% ethyl alcohol sanitizers aligns with recommendations from leading health organizations:

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content.

  • By opting for 80%, we exceed these recommendations, providing an extra margin of safety.

Benefits for Our Partners

By sharing our hand sanitizer choice with our partners, we extend several benefits:

  1. Consistent Protection: Partners can trust that they're using a product that meets high standards of efficacy.

  2. Health-Conscious Image: Using a well-researched, effective sanitizer demonstrates a commitment to health and safety.

  3. Cost-Effectiveness: The high efficacy of 80% ethyl alcohol means less product is needed per use, potentially reducing overall costs.

  4. Simplified Procurement: Partners can streamline their sanitizer selection process by adopting our well-researched choice.


Choosing an 80% ethyl alcohol hand sanitizer reflects our commitment to health, safety, and efficiency. By sharing this choice with our partners, we're not just offering a product, but a well-researched solution that balances effectiveness, skin health, and practicality.For more information on our health and safety practices, including our choice of hand sanitizers, visit www.thecareful.com. Together, we can create safer, healthier business environments for everyone.


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